Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Week 6: Famous Last Words

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I really love being the President of Gaylord’s Professional Writing Student Association, but good lawd is it a lot of work. I knew this walking into the position, but it just keeps creeping up on me. We only have meetings every other week, but it’s like the week’s when we don’t have meetings are lightning fast and then it’s already meeting week and I’m shambling. I have a laundry list of emails to send out and a Powerpoint to make for this meeting. It’s just a lot of work and I missed a lot of valuable time last week when I wasn’t feeling well.
But enough of that ramble-fest. Once Upon a Time started back up tonight and I still have probably 10 more episodes of season three to catch up on. Oh well. Maybe I’ll be able to catch up this week and only be one or two episodes behind on the new season. That’s not too bad, right? Ugh, I have such a punctuality issue, it’s even affected my TV watching life. So depressing.
As for writing I’ve done and enjoyed this week, there wasn’t much of it! I wasn’t very proud of my storytelling for this class. It definitely wasn’t my best work at all. The only piece I was proud of (WAS) was in my feature writing class. I think my persuasion script was good and funny, but I know when I get it back it will be a sea of red ink. Oh that wretched red ink, it really truly destroys souls. I apparently have a probably with exposition. So frustrating! I’ve been trying so hard to work on my exposition problem in screenwriting but I’m a novel writer by trade and origin and that’s just terribly difficult to break. So my teacher is breaking my soul.

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