Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 5: Famous Last Words

I have successfully completed all of the tech tips for this semester. Phew! That’s one thing I don’t have to worry about (I realize they were extra credit but still, they’re an easy point). I am really upset though that I completely forgot to do the declaration for my storytelling this week. Ugh! I didn’t get to do three assignments last week and then I go and forget to do the declaration this week after doing the assignment! I am so disappointed in myself. I’m really sucking this semester and it makes me sad. Don’t hate me, Laura, things are just really stupid this final semester of mine!
So I’m doing a bunch of homework tonight (I write this a 6:30am on Sunday) and I still have so much to do! I’m only in three classes right now, and I’m swamped! This is the final thing I have to do for this class, and then I have to write act one of my TV script and complete its treatment. Then, I have to rewrite a script where the antagonist and protagonist switch places, and I have to read the script for UP and answer questions about it. Shoot lawd, I need to learn some better time management skills. On a brighter note, only four more episodes and then I’m caught up on Supernatural! Yes, this is going to be an ongoing countdown of mine. You should be glad I didn’t do any Teen Wolf recaps during my earlier last words when the season was still going. Yes, I’m obsessed with Supernatural and Teen Wolf. There’s no shame here. Only love.

I’ve been pretty sick these past couple weeks, and I think that’s really been messing me up. I had to call in to work two nights in a row and I’ve been really behind on homework. I’m hoping things will pick back up now that I’m feeling better, but at the same time I’m trying not to overburden myself and get sick from exhaustion. It’s a fine line.

Teen Wolf WALLPAPER! :) Only love here.


  1. Tia, I just happened to notice your post - no worries about the Dec. - I just went and marked that for you manually! It's good if you do the Dec. yourself since it's a handy checklist to make sure assignment is done, but I can mark it for you manually if the clock gets away from you! (clcoks do that sometimes, sneaky creatures that they are)

  2. Hello Tia! Oh I'm in the exact same boat as you! I'm completely swamped with my classes as well. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with online work. What I do is try to work at least 2 days ahead in my free time so I won’t have to worry about it later. I don’t watch either Supernatural or Teen Wolf because they’re kind of scary to me. Maybe I’ll try to give them another shot.
